Boosting our immune defences
I feel like I’m in a movie right now. A very surreal one. People keep referring to that film Contagion that was released a number of years ago. To be honest, it’s the last movie on earth that I would like to watch right now. Herbie goes bananas... well now your talking!
With so many scaremongering reports, it’s hard to distinguish between fact or fiction. But one things for sure – it’s good practise to start strengthening our immune systems and that of our families. Supporting the immune system to prevent or recover swiftly from certain viral infections is not new news, but right now it’s probably one of the best things we can do to help ourselves (outside of public health guidance on handwashing and sanitisation – see below link).
Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash
So here are my top tips for supporting a strong immune system.
Eating well. Ensure your diet is full of green vegetables and fruit like lemons, oranges, kiwi fruits, raspberries and blueberries which are full of Vitamin C, amongst many other nutrients, which helps promote healthy blood and immunity.
Foods such as ginger, garlic and turmeric are also a great way to boost the immune system and help with inflammation.
Look after your gut and digestion. A healthy gut is needed for a strong immune system. Cutting out processed foods, excess sugar, and upping our wholegrains and pre and probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi will really help this. Eat plenty of nourishing home made soups and stews to maintain stomach fluids.
Increase your overall Vitamin C intake. This can be done by ensuring your diet is full of fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables. However if using supplementation form then consider using a Vitamin C supplement, rather than just a multi-vitamin alone. If increasing the dose insure to do it gradually, as high doses of Vitamin C can sometimes cause an upset stomach when taken in one go. I like using Liposomal Vitamin C as it’s absorption rate is superior than most other forms of Vitamin C.
Zinc helps block viruses and boost immunity. Consider lozenges as this will block virus droplets at the throat level.
Vitamin D3 - is needed to help modulate and regulate immune function and is now recognised as an important contributor in the immune defences. Remember Vitamin D can also be found in foods such as oily, fatty fish and eggs.
Other vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, selenium and iron are also important in supporting good immune function.
Elderberry is packed with antioxidants and vitamins and is known to boost the immune system and for it’s effect on helping to prevent seasonal respiratory conditions such as colds and flu.
And don’t forget as with all supplements, it’s always wise to check with your doctor beforehand especially if you are taking prescribed medication or are pregnant, or breast-feeding.
M-HN-3 Yin-tang & DU24 Shenting being used to calm the mind & induce a ‘acu-nap’
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Get yourself some acupuncture and moxibustion - I might be biased, but scientific research and studies have proven the effectiveness of both acupuncture and moxibustion on stimulating the body's own defence mechanism by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are needed to help fight off infections. Many of my clients are now asking me to focus on this area, in their treatments. Plus, added bonus is the potential to have an deeply restorative ‘acu-nap’ during treatments. It’s win win situation.
As well as boosting our immune systems, it’s also really important to take care of our mental health. It’s no surprise that stress and anxiety levels have been on the rise this past few weeks, so its worth noting that some small changes can really have a positive effect on our mood and stress levels, as well as supporting our immune function.
Bach Flower remedies specially tailored to a clients specific needs
Drink plenty of water and reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption, as alcohol reduces our immune response as well as amplifying anxiety.
Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant which increase our heart rate and stress response known as ‘fight or flight’, which can trigger anxiety episodes and can result in insomnia and palpitations.
Stay active and get out into nature. Being out in nature can really help calm the mind, but that fresh air is also good for our lungs and cardiovascular system because of all that oxygenated blood being pumped around.
Bach flowers are another great way to help reduce unwanted anxiety and fear. With 38 remedies in the system, I tailor make blends for my patients according to the emotional state they are experiencing. It really helps bring about peace of mind and ease to the situation. Find out more about Bach Flower remedies.
Lastly, ensure you get a good night's rest. Lack of sleep increases our cortisol levels, which can make us feel on edge and reduce our immune function and because sleep is the main time our body repairs itself, its vital for our physical and mental health.
I hope that you have all found this information helpful. Stay well and feel free to connect with me via email, Instagram and facebook for regular immune boosting tips and advice.