The journey to parenthood, can be a confusing, overwhelming and stressful time, especially if you have been trying for a while with no answers, have experienced failed IVF cycles or pregnancy loss. Whether you’ve read somewhere that fertility acupuncture might be helpful or you have been recommended to try it by a friend, it’s understandable that you may have questions. I aim to help you navigate the process, provide clarity and support, ensuring you have the tools and resources to help you on your path to parenthood.



I have successfully worked with many clients who are at different stages of their fertility journey. An integrated fertility acupuncture programme may be beneficial if you are:

  • At the start of your fertility journey and looking to support your natural conception chances.

  • Have been trying to conceive for a while, without success and have been diagnosed with ‘unexplained fertility’.

  • Feeling overwhelmed and struggling with what to do next on your fertility journey.

  • Considering IVF/ICSI/IUI or have had previous unsuccessful IVF cycles.

  • Have a history of recurrent miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies.

  • Have been diagnosed with hormonal imbalances such as low AMH, high FSH, PCOS or Endometriosis.

  • Have been diagnosed with auto-immune disorders such as Hashimoto’s disease or thyroiditis.

  • Exploring egg preservation or donor egg/sperm assisted conception.

  • If you or your partner has had an abnormal sperm analysis or sperm DNA fragmentation test.

  • Are experiencing difficulties getting pregnant, after the birth of your first child.

Samina was the first person to make me feel hopeful about conceiving naturally. Her acupuncture treatments took into consideration underlying health concerns and emotional issues, as well as looking at nutrition and lifestyle and I am pleased to say that I am now 8 weeks pregnant and conceived naturally!
— Female, London

WHAT makes your treatments different?

My unique approach to fertility acupuncture goes beyond just needles. As a qualified Acupuncturist and Naturopath, I will always blend traditional Chinese medicine principles such as Chinese dietary therapy and Acupuncture alongside natural healing modalities including nutrition, lifestyle advice and herbal supplements. By combining these modalities alongside a deep understanding of Western medicine fertility fundamentals and latest innovations, I provide a powerful, comprehensive and fully integrated approach to supporting health optimisation and your fertility goals.

In the initial consultation, I will go through in detail your general health and wellbeing such as lifestyle, nutrition, sleep and stress levels, digestion, gut and vaginal microbiome health, menstrual health and urinary habits as well as reviewing any relevant tests or investigation findings. During the consultation, I may also recommend further tests, such as specific hormone tests/scans or make referrals where needed. Combining all this rich information, a unique and personalised treatment and support plan will be created for you, using powerful and innovative techniques within Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western medicine and Naturopathy.





You are unique. There is no one quite like you. Which is why, not only is your treatment plan bespoke and tailored to you, but your response to treatment and your outcomes will be unique to you also. After embarking on a acupuncture support programme, many patients report back noticeable changes such as:

  • Improvements in menstrual cycle irregularities.

  • Reduced PMS and period pain.

  • More energy.

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety.

  • Better regulation of their reproductive hormones.

  • Improved sleep patterns.

  • Better digestive function.

  • Improvements in IVF outcomes such as increased uterine endometrial lining, increased blood flow to the ovaries, resulting in improved follicular recruitment and egg development during IVF cycles.

  • Sperm health optimisation

Research has shown us, that both egg and sperm development takes place over a period of 90 days +. Therefore embarking on regular fertility support with Acupuncture and Naturopathy for a minimum of 3-4 months*, may positively support fertility, natural conception or IVF outcomes. For your flexibility, I offer both individual appointments and fertility packages which are a cost effective option for long term treatment.

*Complex cases - treatment times may vary and may require longer periods of clinical support.

There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in
— Leonard Cohen